Charles Sanders Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce
The Collected Papers Vol. I:
Principles of Philosophy
I. General Historical Orientation
1. Lessons from the History of Philosophy
§1. Nominalism
§2. Conceptualism
§3. The Spirit of Scholasticism
§4. Kant and his Refutation of Idealism
§5. Hegelism
2. Lessons from the History of Science
§1. The Scientific Attitude
§2. The Scientific Imagination
§3. Science and Morality
§4. Mathematics
§5. Science as a Guide to Conduct
§6. Morality and Sham Reasoning
§7. The Method of Authority
§8. Science and Continuity
§9. The Analytic Method
§10. Kinds of Reasoning
§11. The Study of the Useless
§12. Il Lume Naturale
§13. Generalization and Abstraction
§14. The Evaluation of Exactitude
§15. Science and Extraordinary Phenomena
§16. Reasoning from Samples
§17. The Method of Residual Phenomena
§18. Observation
§19. Evolution
§20. Some A Priori Dicta
§21. The Paucity of Scientific Knowledge
§22. The Uncertainty of Scientific Results
§23. Economy of Research
3. Notes on Scientific Philosophy
§1. Laboratory and Seminary Philosophies
§2. Axioms
§3. The Observational Part of Philosophy
§4. The First Rule of Reason
§5. Fallibilism, Continuity, and Evolution
II. The Classification of the Sciences
Proem: The Architectonic Character of Philosophy
1. An Outline Classification of the Sciences
2. A Detailed Classification of the Sciences
§1. Natural Classes
§2. Natural Classifications
§3. The Essence of Science
§4. The Divisions of Science
§5. The Divisions of Philosophy
§6. The Divisions of Mathematics
III. Phenomenology
1. Introduction
§1. The Phaneron
§2. Valencies
§3. Monads, Dyads, and Triads
§4. Indecomposable Elements
2. The Categories in Detail
A. Firstness
§1. The Source of the Categories
§2. The Manifestation of Firstness
§3. The Monad
§4. Qualities of Feeling
§5. Feeling as Independent of Mind and Change
§6. A Definition of Feeling
§7. The Similarity of Feelings of Different Sensory Modes
§8. Presentments as Signs
§9. The Communicability of Feelings
§10. The Transition to Secondness
B. Secondness
§1. Feeling and Struggle
§2. Action and Perception
§3. The Varieties of Secondness
§4. The Dyad
§5. Polar Distinctions and Volition
§6. Ego and Non-Ego
§7. Shock and the Sense of Change
C. Thirdness
§1. Examples of Thirdness
§2. Representation and Generality
§3. The Reality of Thirdness
§4. Protoplasm and the Categories
§5. The Interdependence of the Categories
3. A Guess at the Riddle
Plan of the Work
§1. Trichotomy
§2. The Triad in Reasoning
§3. The Triad in Metaphysics
§4. The Triad in Psychology
§5. The Triad in Physiology
§6. The Triad in Biological Development
§7. The Triad in Physics
4. The Logic of Mathematics
§1. The Three Categories
§2. Quality
§3. Fact
§4. Dyads
§5. Triads
5. Degenerate Cases
§1. Kinds of Secondness
§2. The Firstness of Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness
6. On a New List of Categories
§1. Original Statement
§2. Notes on the Preceding
7. Triadomany
IV. The Normative Sciences
1. Introduction
2. Ultimate Goods
3. An Attempted Classification of Ends
4. Ideals of Conduct
5. Vitaly Important Topics
§1. Theory and Practice
§2. Practical Concerns and the Wisdom of Sentiment
§3. Vitally Important Truths
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Seite zuletzt aktualisiert: 10.08.2005
Charles Sanders Peirce
The Collected Papers Vol. I.:
Principles of Philosophy